California IDEX Practice Exam 2024 - Free IDEX Practice Questions and Study Guide

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What is the main determinant for the minimum exhaust ventilation requirements in closed spaces like toilet rooms and kitchens?

Occupant age

Room temperature

Cubic feet per minute per square foot

The correct answer is based on the fact that minimum exhaust ventilation requirements are primarily dictated by the amount of air needed to remove contaminants and maintain a healthy indoor environment. This is typically measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM) per square foot of the space. Adequate ventilation is crucial to ensure the removal of moisture, odors, and other pollutants that can accumulate, particularly in areas like kitchens and bathrooms where cooking and personal hygiene activities take place. While other factors such as occupant age, room temperature, and natural lighting can influence comfort and usability, they do not directly govern the established ventilation standards required to ensure air quality and safety in enclosed environments. The focus on CFM ensures that there is sufficient air exchange to mitigate issues arising from poor ventilation, making it the key determinant in this context.

Natural lighting


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